My name is Arettie Stone. I believe in Christ and would like to share my beliefs in Him and some other religious beliefs that I have. That will include taking scriptures from The Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. If I have eventually proven to be wrong in what I believe, so be it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Follow After Righteousness

"He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour."
~ Proverbs 21:21

In the world today, it is easy to be distracted by the temptations that the world offers us. We tend to want immediate joy. We want to feel better right away. However, if we are willing to follow what the Lord asks of us and are kind and loving, even if it doesn't make sense or it makes us stand out, we will be blessed. Through righteousness, we can find true joy. It may come with pain and afflictions and trials at first, but it will ultimately be for our benefit. If we strive for this, we can and will find righteousness and honour. We will find a life worth living.

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